Monday, November 9, 2015

Thursday November 12th - Pajama Day!

Pajama Day for United Way Thursday November 12th!
Students and staff may wear pajamas with a $1 or more 
donation to United Way.    

Monday, October 5, 2015

Hello October!

Can you believe it is already October?  Time is flying in 1st grade!  I hope you are your family have had a very restful fall break.  This week we have been learning about pennies and dimes, using transition words in our writing, and about Benjamin Franklin and his contributions.  We have also wrapped up our CoGAT testing.  :)

Conference week is coming up - Parent-Teacher conferences will take place October 19th - 23rd. Next week please be on the look out for parent teacher conference times and dates being sent home in your child's blue folder.  You will need to sign and send the form back in to confirm your date and time.  

Monday, September 7, 2015

Sight Words

Don't forget to practice your child's sight words every night.  When you feel like they are to  move on to a new list send their list back in to be tested.