Friday, March 30, 2018

Jellybean Graphing

Today we had fun sorting jelly bean by color, graphing our results and then analyzing our data! We found which color we had the most of, the least of and then how each related to the other based on our results. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What we are learning....

What are we learning in First Grade now?
Social Studies
We are starting to learn about Lewis and Clark. We are discussing the Louisiana Purchase, Sacagawea, and much more!
We are continuing our Opinion Writing, focusing on how to create convincing and true reasons to support our opinion, rather than just stating "I like it." We are also learning about how to create a captivating introduction and conclusion that state our opinion. 
We just finished learning about the central message of a story (also known as the lesson the author wants you to learn from the story). We are moving on to comparing and contrasting characters and their adventures in a story.
We are still adding and subtracting! We have gone through adding and subtracting a double digit with a single digit with both no regrouping AND regrouping. In 1st grade, we refer to regrouping as "making a new group of 10." We learned how to add and subtract a double digit with a double digit WITHOUT regrouping before break, so over the next two weeks, we will be focusing on double digit +/- a double digit with regrouping. We will also be reviewing all of the strategies and concepts that have been taught over the last 4 weeks to review and make these ideas concrete to the students!

Friday, February 23, 2018

1st grade PTA performance

The 1st grade level will perform at the March 1st PTA meeting. 1st grade students will go to their classrooms at 6:15 p.m. parents stay in the cafeteria. The PTA meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. Students will perform after the meeting, around 6:50 p.m. I hope to see you there! 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Valentines Day and Progress Reports

Our class is having a valentine exchange on Valentines Day (Wednesday, 2/14).  We have 19 students in our class so please be sure there is one for everyone.  Check your child's blue folder for more information and a list of the student's names in our class.

Progress Reports go home soon. Please review, sign and then send back.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  :)

Monday, January 29, 2018

Quarter 3

Here is what we are learning now....
Social Studies/Science- We are finishing up our unit on Theodore Roosevelt and the important contributions he made to the United States. Once we wrap that up, we will switch gears and jump in to Light and Shadows for our science unit. We will tie the shadows in with Groundhog's Day, so that could be a fun topic to discuss with your children at home, as well!
Writing- Our 3rd quarter will be all about Opinion writing. We will focus on how state our opinion, provide a reason and evidence or examples to support that reason, and then we will learn how to restate our opinion to conclude our writing. A great way to support your writer with this unit at home is to talk about their thoughts- discuss their opinion when given two options. Ex: Would you rather eat chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream? Focus on their reason why, and delve deeper than just simply stating "I like it," or "it tastes good."
Reading- In reading, we have been learning about how to predict what will happen in the story before reading, retell the events of a story after reading, and then summarize what was read at the end. These are all great topics to ask your child questions about as you read each night. While doing this, don't forget to continue focusing on story elements, also! (i.e. characters, settings, beginning/middle/end)!
Math- We started the quarter learning about expanded form of a number (i.e. thinking of 53 as 5 groups of 10 and 3 extra ones, written as 50+3), moved into comparing numbers (understanding that the bigger number is "greater" and the smaller number is "less"), and are now going to move into adding and subtracting double digit numbers within 100. We will be focusing on this concept for the next 4 weeks, so if your child seems to be confused at first, we will be working for a long time to ensure they understand! Due to the new common core, if you have any questions about strategies or reasoning behind why we teach it the way we do, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask for help!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018

Parent Academy!

Our next Parent Academy on Tuesday, January 9th, and will focus on Math strategies and activities for home. Here is the link for the Cobb County Math Department’s parent page. It will be referenced during the session.
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a wonderfully relaxing holiday break!  2018 is off to a great start - the students have been making their goals and wishes for the new year but academically and for fun.  :)