Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Holiday Happenings


Holiday Happenings
Wednesday, December  21st

Happy Holidays! Just a reminder that this tomorrow is 1st grade’s holiday happenings. We will make crafts, have hot chocolate and watch the polar express. Students can wear their pajamas to school with appropriate school shoes.  

I hope each of you have a wonderful winter break with your families!  See you in January!!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Our Elf Benji

Our class is the sweetest! After an unfortunate fall yesterday, our elf Benji wasn't feeling well. We found him this morning in his make shift bed resting. Our class drew pictures, wrote letters and built him things to make him feel better. Then a note from Santa arrived with some magic dust to help him recover faster. We each sprinkled some on a told him to get well soon. I think he's going to pull through! :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Here are some wonderful book recommendation.  These would be great selections to grab for the break.  Take a look!

  • My Little Island by Frane Lessac
  • Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
  • Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems
  • Night of the Veggie Monster by George McClements
  • Rollercoaster by Marla Frazee

Mary McPherson

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Go Noodle

With all this rain we have been using Go Noodle to get some of our energy out! :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The post below is for families who may need assistance especially while your little ones are out of school for the holidays.

FoodFinderGA is a free smartphone app developed by a Georgia public school graduate. It is available on the Apple App Store or Google Play right now (search: foodfinderga). The app creates a 100% anonymous, direct connection between students who need food with their closest free food provider. Both the FoodFinderGA app and the website - www.foodfinderga.org - are year-round resources, but data shows a dramatic increase in use when school is out of session, and the need for food is greatest.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hello Parents! Have you ever wondered if the investment in those flashcards is worth it? Yes flashcards are effective so pack them for the car trip to Grandma's.  Read the article below to find out why flashcards are so effective.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Ms. McPherson

The Top 3 Reasons Why Flashcards Are So Effective

1. Flashcards engage “active recall”

When you look at the front side of a flashcard and think of the answer, you are engaging a mental faculty known as active recall. In other words, you are attempting to remember the concept from scratch rather than simply staring at the passage in your textbook or recognizing it on a multiple choice quiz. Active recall has been proven to create stronger neuron connections for that memory trace. And because flashcards can so easily facilitate repetition , they are the best way to create multiple memory-enhancing recall events.

2. Flashcards utilize your metacognitive faculties

When you reveal the answer side of a flashcard to assess your correctness, you are essentially asking yourself “How did my answer compare to this correct answer?” and “How well did I know (or not know) it?” This act of self-reflection is known as metacognition. Research shows that applying metacognition tends to ingrain memories deeper into your knowledge.

3. Flashcards allow for confidence-based repetition

Because flashcards exist loosely, rather than tied to a book or document, you are able to separate them into piles based on whether (or how often) you need to study them again. This practice of confidence-based repetition is proven by decades of research to be the most scientifically optimized way to improve memory performance.
Of course, where possible, you should always try to learn new concepts using project-based learning, or by asking your own questions. But when it comes to studying or reviewing concepts in the most effective way possible, nothing comes close to flashcards.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Election Day

On Monday we read Duck for President and held our own class election complete with a polling booth.  The students voted to decide if Duck or Farmer Brown should run the farm.  Duck won by a landslide!  

Just a reminder there is no school for students Tuesday November 8 because of Election Day.  

Here are a few pictures of our activity:

Friday, November 4, 2016

Candy Corn STEM

On Monday we had a fun team building STEM activity where students had to work together, develop a plan, test their ideas, and execute the plan to build the tallest tower and longest train.  The students learned how to share ideas and and use everyone's input to develop a plan.  It was so much fun to see the teams working so well together!

~Mrs. Braxton

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

~Bat Day~

Last Friday we wrapped up our week of informational writing on bats with a BAT Day!  We transformed our room into a bat cave and did our work with flashlights while listening to bat sounds.  The students did so well researching and using their own words to write information about bats.  Next up.....SPIDERS! :)

Here are a few pictures from our day!
~Mrs. Braxton

Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to help your child focus at home! Ms. McPherson

Here are some ways to help your child stay focused:

  1. Get the ya-yas out first

    Moving the body motivates the brain. Try having your child walk or bike to school, play outside after school, do chores around the house, or play on a sports team. Make sure your child has had a chance to run, walk, or jump around before sitting down to homework.
  2. Turn off screens and cell phones

    Before your kid tackles homework or does anything that takes concentration, turn off the television. Or if others are watching it, make sure your child is far enough away that he can’t be distracted by it. Also, shut down or move him away from the computer, and if your child has a cell phone, make sure that’s off too.
  3. Make a to-do list

    Having a lot of chores and homework assignments can be overwhelming for kids. Help your child focus on getting things done by making a list — together — of everything he needs to do for the day or week. Then let him cross off each task as he finishes it.
  4. Use signals

    Try to avoid conversations when your child is working. To cut out distracting talk altogether, you and your child can even come up with a few basic signals. For example, when you point to his work, that means he needs to go back to what he was doing. Or when you raise your hand, that means he should stop what he’s doing and get to work. For some kids, it helps to just lay a hand on their shoulder to bring them back into focus.
  5. Take breathers.

    During homework time, make sure your child takes a few breaks. After working for 10 or 20 minutes (depending on his age), have him get up and move around, get a drink, and then go back to work. But don’t let him get involved in something else during the break. Just make that time a relaxing few minutes.
  6. WWW.greatschools.org

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Open House

Open house for 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades will be Thursday August 18th at 6:00.  Please join me to learn more about life in 1st grade, what we will be learning this year, classroom expectations and upcoming events.  I look forward to seeing you all there!

*FYI: Open house for grades K, 2nd, and 4th is Thursday August 11th at 6:00.*

Friday, August 5, 2016

Welcome back!!

We have had a great first week in 1st grade! Ms. McPherson and I are excited about all of the fun things we have planned and all we will be learning this year. We're so excited to have your child grow with us!
~Mrs. Braxton

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Read Across America Day!

Tomorrow is Dr. Seuss’ Birthday celebration. Help us celebrate by dressing as your favorite book character and please encourage your students to do so as well. Last week, each student should have received a flyer with Seuss Day information. Remind students that their character does not need to be a Seuss character; it can be any character from any book. It cannot, however, be a Halloween costume character or a character from a movie. It must be a character from a book!

1st grade PTA Performance

1st grade PTA Performance 

March 3rd

 The 1st grade level will perform, in the cafeteria, at the end of the March 3rd PTA meeting. 1st grade students will go to their classrooms at 6:15pm. The meeting starts at 6:30pm. The 1st grade level will perform around 6:50pm when the meeting is over. Students should wear their school uniforms or something their parents want them to wear. I hope to see you there! 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Please take a minute and take our survey!

Parents are encouraged to participate in the AdvancED Parent Survey.  The data from this survey will inform the school and the district about parents’ opinions about our school.  Survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to AdvancED for analysis.  Individual data results will not be available to the public and will not be posted online.  You may use any personal device to complete this survey.  The AdvancED Parent Survey will be open February 22 – April 1.  The link to access the survey is http://eprovesurveys.advanc-ed.org/surveys/#/action/922/p913.

AdvancED, formerly SACS, is the non-profit organization that conducts rigorous, on-site reviews of PreK-12 schools and school systems and certifies that accreditation standards are being met.
Padres les invitamos a participar en la encuesta para padres de Advance.La informacion colectada con esta encuesta va a ayudar  informar a la escuela y distrito sobre la opinion de los padres.La encuesta es completamente anonima y sera sometida directamente a Advance para ser analizada.Los resultados no seran publicados en ninguna parte.Usted puede usar su computadora personal para completarlo.la encuesta estara abierta Febrero 22-Abril 1.Para accesar la encuesta apriete aqui en el enlace:

Advance,anteriormente conocido como SACS,es una organizacion sin beneficios o ganancia que hace encuestas a escuelas de Pk-12 para asegurarse que esten certificados apropiadamente. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Aquarium Field Trip



I am so excited about our upcoming Aquarium field trip.  Because this is a fully funded trip we are restricted to the amount of adults we are allotted for admission and on the bus. Please return your child's permission form as soon as possible. 

We will be taking our group pictures right at 8:00 and then getting on the buses to leave.  Please make sure that your child is on time for school Friday - we've got a VERY tight schedule! :)

Friday, February 5, 2016

Valentine Exchange

Valentine Exchange

Valentine’s Day is this Sunday! Since it is not during the school week, we will be taking some time on Friday to pass out Valentines and do a few Valentine’s Day activities.
 If you are wanting to send in something for your child to pass out in class, please remember to send in enough for everyone.  We currently have 19 students.